options: object? - options for validation


options type description
required boolean? check if the value is not empty
min number? min length
max number? max length
alphanum boolean? validate if the value is only alphanumeric
label string? label of the message
email boolean? check if the value is valid email
allow any[]? add a allowed values
messages object? Set a custom messages
[key?:string] regexp | function custom validator


options type description
required boolean? check if the value is not empty
min number? minimum value
max number? maximum value
integer boolean? check if the value is integer
float boolean check if the value is float number
digit number? check if the digits is
allow any[]? add an allowed values
label string? label of the message
messages object? Set a custom messages
[key?:string] regexp? | function? custom validator


options type description
required boolean? check if the value is not empty
allow any[]? add an allowed values
label string? label of the message
messages object? Set a custom messages
[key?:string] regexp? | function? custom validator


options type description
required boolean? check if the value is not empty
min number? minimum length
max number? maximum length
items jm-types[]? types of the items inside the array
allow any[]? add an allowed values
label string? label of the message
messages object? Set a custom messages
[key?:string] regexp? | function? custom validator

jm.sameAs(path?, options?)

path: string? - relative path of reference

options type description
label string? label of the message
messages object? Set a custom messages


options type description
required boolean? check if the value is not empty
messages object? Set a custom messages

jm.validate(data, schema, options?)

jm.validateAsync(data, schema, options?)

data: any - data that you need to pass in

schema: object | jm-types - an object or any json-msg types

options type description
abortEarly boolean? Abort Immediately if there is an error on validation
showAllErrors boolean? show all the errors on the array


options type description
messages object set a default messages globally
