
import jm from "json-msg";

jm.num(); // Number
jm.str(); // String
jm.bool(); // boolean
jm.any(); // any
jm.array(); // array
jm.sameAs(); // reference for the same input
// {} Object literal is objectType by default and its required. Thats why there is no object type

// Destructuring them

const { str, num, bool, any, array } = jm;

const todoSchema = {
   title: str(),
   time: num(),
   complete: bool(),
   todos: array(),
   id: num({ min: 5, max: 10000 }),

All types are required by default


const { str } = jm;
const schema = {
   username: str({ min: 5 }),

const numWithOption = {
   username: str({
      min: 6,
      max: 10,
      label: "Name",
      alphanum: true,
      email: true,
      messages: {
         email: "%label% must be a valid email",


const { num } = jm;
const schema = {
   pin: num(),

const numWithOption = {
   pin: num({ min: 6, max: 10, label: "Name", integer: true }),


const { array } = jm;
const schema = {
   pin: array(),

const arrayWithOption = {
   pin: array({ min: 6, max: 10, items: str() }),

min and max is the length of the array

items: is the type inside of the array


const { bool } = jm;
const schema = {
   pin: bool({ label: "Pin" }),

const boolWithOption = {
   pin: bool({ required: false, allow: [null, 0, undefined] }),


sameAs is just like a ref in joi

This is only allowed on relative path

const { str, sameAs, num } = jm;
const schema = {
   password: str({ min: 5 }),
   confirm_password: sameAs("password"),

const sameAsWithOption = {
   password: str({ min: 5 }),
   confirm_password: sameAs("password", { label: "Confirm Password" }),


const schema = {
   storage: {
      pin: num({ digit: 4 }),
   same_pin: sameAs("storage.pin"),


const { any } = jm;
const schema = {
   texts: any(),

const anyWithOption = {
   texts: any({ required: false }),
